LQHBA Announces Scholarship Drawings On December 17 At Evangeline Downs
© Coady Photography

ALEXANDRIA, LA–NOVEMBER 30, 2022–Saturday, December 17 at Evangeline Downs will be a memorable night, not just for Quarter Horse racing, but for Louisiana students as well. In addition to a stakes-filled evening, highlighted by the running of the LQHBA Louisiana Million (RG1), the Louisiana Quarter Horse Breeders Association (LQHBA) will award a total of $15,000 in scholarships to Louisiana students seeking to further their education.
Since 2001, the LQHBA scholarship program has provided financial aid for students. The scholarship program is supported strongly by the LQHBA membership, its board members and funding from the Stallion Owners donating a season to the annual LQHBA Stallion Auction. Almost $800,000 has been earmarked for this program since its inception.
Louisiana students and their families are invited to enjoy the racing and festivities on LQHBA Louisiana Million night. All high school graduates and seniors graduating in 2023 wishing to attend a higher education institution are eligible.
A registration table will be located on the main level of the racetrack from 5:00–6:45 pm on December 17. Students must be present for the drawings of one (1) $5,000 scholarship and five (5) additional $2,000 scholarships, which will take place following race four.
"The LQHBA Scholarship Fund is an important program for our association," said Bruce Salard, LQHBA executive director. "There is a rich tradition of family involvement in Louisiana Quarter Horse breeding and racing. We continue to be strongly committed to supporting students as they further their education."
For further information on the LQHBA Scholarship program, visit www.LQHBA.com or call (318) 487-9506.