LQHBA Scholarship Fund Assists Four Students on Louisiana Showcase Night at Delta Downs
© Coady Photography

ALEXANDRIA, LA–JULY 19, 2022–Louisiana Quarter Horse Breeders Association (LQHBA) awarded four $2,000 scholarships to further the education of Louisiana students on Saturday, July 16 at Delta Downs.
The exciting 2022 Louisiana Showcase Night featured eight quality stakes, including the $744,302 Lee Berwick Futurity (RG1) and the $188,160 Delta Downs Louisiana Bred Derby (RG3).
The LQHBA Scholarship Fund was the vision of the late Jim Mitchell and Executive Director Emeritus Leverne Perry and is supported strongly by the LQHBA and its board members. Over $700,000, has been earmarked for this program since its inception in 2001.
Bruce Salard, LQHBA executive director and LQHBA board members assisted with the drawings enabling the following students to further their education in 2022. Winners of $2,000 scholarships were Karley LaFleur; Peyton Doyle; Erin Berwick and Samuel Jackson.
For more information on the LQHBA Scholarship Program, visit LQHBA.com or follow the LQHBA Facebook page.