Louisiana Owners and Breeders Urged To Sign Letter to LSRC

"Louisiana Quarter Horse Racing must further address medication issues to ensure the industry survives and thrives," Bruce Salard, LQHBA Executive Director said. "The integrity of the sport is supported with all available options by the Louisiana Quarter Breeders Association."
Louisiana owners and breeders are urged to note your support for LQHBA efforts to implement Hair Testing for LQHBA Administered Stakes Races by signing and returning the attached letter.
"We will hand deliver the letters to Charles A. Gardiner III, Executive Director of the Louisiana State Racing Commission," Salard said.
CLICK HERE to download letter.
Please sign and return a copy to BRUCE SALARD via mail (105 Carlyon Lane Alexandria, LA 71303-7783) or email to: bsalard@lqhba.com.
For additional information call the association at (318) 487-9506.