News March  12, 2025

2021 LQHBA Calendars At Printer

The 2021 LQHBA Calendar will be dropped in the mail by January 1.

ALEXANDRIA, LA—JANUARY 7,2020—LQHBA's annual calendar is at the printer according to LQHBA Executive Director Bruce Salard. The annual calendar will be mailed to all current LQHBA members.

"We expect the new calendars to be in the mail by January 31st," he said this week.

The annual calendar includes dates and reminders for stakes payments, photos of past and current LQHBA stakes winners, a list of the 2020/2021 LQHBA Board of Directors and LQHBA Office Staff and much more!

CLICK HERE for an electronic version of the 2021 calendar.

For additional information visit the LQHBA website at or call (318) 487-9506.

Courtesy Ses