News March  12, 2025

Temporary Restraining Order at Louisiana Racetracks To Be Dissolved

A temporary restraining order keeping Louisiana horsemen that are currently stabled at three of the state's racetracks has been dissolved .

LAKE CHARLES, LA—APRIL 9, 2020—The Honorable Sharon Wilson of the 14th Judicial District Court ordered that the temporary restraining order granted to Boyd Gaming be dissolved as to provisions 2 and 4 of the Louisiana State Racing Commission’s Emergency Order of March 20, 2020.

The result of this is that the training surfaces at Louisiana Downs, Delta Downs, and Evangeline Downs is to be open immediately for training as per the Commission order (4 days a week).

Finally, with respect to provision 3, the movement of horses and personnel between tracks, was not addressed by the court since the Louisiana State Racing Commission removed that requirement pursuant to a second Emergency Order dated April 6, 2020.

Additional information will be reported as it becomes available.

Courtesy Ses