News March  12, 2025

LQHBA Board Of Directors 2020 Election

LQHBA's 2020 Board of Directors election will be held by mail in ballots due to the cancelation of the annual membership meeting and awards banquet during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis.

ALEXANDRIA, LA—MARCH 19, 2020—Due to cancellation of the LQHBA Membership and Awards Banquet, the 2020 Board of Directors election will be conducted via mail. LQHBA members eligible to vote will receive a ballot via Fedex or regular mail.

Members will receive instructions with the ballot and will be required to mail their ballot to the independent election company. The Member’s ballot must be received by end of day, Friday, April 17th for their VOTE to be counted by the independent election company.

LQHBA members eligible to Vote in 2020 LQHBA Board of Directors election MUST HAVE their 2020 Membership Fee into the LQHBA office prior to close of business Friday, April 3, 2020 to “receive a ballot Membership Fees can be paid via credit card, check or money order.

Any LQHBA member who had already paid their 2020 membership fee, planning to vote at the annual membership meeting and have misplaced or lost their ballot may contact the LQHBA office no later than Friday, April 3, 2020 to receive a replacement ballot.

Once completed, please DO NOT mail voting ballot to the LQHBA Office, they must be mailed to the independent election company address enclosed with the ballot. All ballots are coded, and duplicate ballots are NOT counted.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the LQHBA Office at 318-487-9506 or Email:

Courtesy Ses