2020 Accredited Louisiana Bred ''Breeder Awards''
© Coady Photography

"We realize the importance of increasing daily handle and attendance at all four Tracks and a primary public draw is a full set of gates. We had large fields in 2019 and want to continue with full fields in 2020. The demand for Louisiana Bred foals was extremely strong in 2019 and we are proactively taking steps to increase the demand in 2020 to provide a healthy market for the LQHBA Yearling and Mixed Sale." said Bruce Salard, Executive Director.
The Louisiana Bred Program continues to be the most successful in the United States with payouts ranging from $4.6 M to $5 MILLION per year in Mare Owner and Stallion Awards over the past seven years. OPEN RACES are define as any race in state of Louisiana NOT restricted to Accredited Louisiana Bred Foals.
Breeders (owner/lessee of the mare at time of foaling) of Accredited Louisiana Bred Quarter Horse foals receive breeder awards in Accredited or OPEN races in Louisiana.
The Board has approved the following payout structure beginning January 01, 2020 for the Four Tracks in the state of Louisiana: Louisiana Downs, Delta Downs, Fairgrounds and Evangeline Downs.
25% to 1st, 2nd, 3rd to Accredited Louisiana Bred Foals placing in Restricted Accredited Louisiana Bred races including Maiden, Claiming, Maiden Claiming, Stakes Trials, Allowance and Stakes Final Races. This includes the Mardi Gras Futurity & Derby at Louisiana Downs, Delta Downs Lassie & Laddie Futurity, Delta Downs Louisiana Bred Derby, Delta Downs Lee Berwick Futurity, LQHBA Sale Futurity at Fairgrounds, LQHBA Derby at Evangeline Downs, Louisiana Champions Day at Fairgrounds.
The 2020 LOUISIANA MILLION will continue to pay all 10 Finalist Breeder Awards. 1st, 2nd, 3rd place finishers will receive 25% and 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th,8th, 9th 10th place finishers will receive 10%.
25% to 1st, 2nd, 3rd to Accredited Louisiana Bred Foals in OPEN Races. Races NOT restricted to Louisiana Bred Foals including Maiden, Claiming, Maiden Claiming and Allowance Races.
Accredited Louisiana Bred Foals placing in OPEN Races will NOT receive Breeder's Awards for OPEN Stakes Trials and STAKES Races. This includes any OPEN Futurity, Derby, Overnight Stakes, etc. run in the State of Louisiana.
Stallion owners whose stallions have sired Accredited Louisiana Bred offspring that finish first, second or third in Stakes, Handicap, Allowance & Trial races in Louisiana earn stallion awards. (Maiden & Claiming Races are not considered). Stallion awards are paid after the end of the breeders fund fiscal year ended June 30th. The amount of each stallion's award is directly proportional to the amount of money his offspring earn in the fiscal year July 01st – June 30th.