News March  12, 2025

Samples Stolen In Louisiana Downs Test Barn Break-In

Officials are investigating a January 12 break-in of the test barn at Harrah's Louisiana Downs.

© Brad Calkins

By Paulick Report Staff

BOOSIER CITY, LA—FEBRUARY 6, 2019—Law enforcement and Louisiana State Racing Commission officials are investigating a Jan. 12 break-in of the test barn at Harrah's Louisiana Downs and the theft of a number of split samples from a locked freezer.

The break-in occurred during the second week of a Quarter Horse meeting that began on Jan. 5 at the Bossier City, La., racetrack and casino.

Charles Gardiner III, executive director of the Louisiana State Racing Commission, told the Paulick Report that no primary samples were affected because they had already been sent to the state's official test lab at the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine Analytical Systems Laboratory in Baton Rouge. Split samples are stored and are tested at a referee laboratory only in the event of a positive drug test in a primary sample.

Gardiner added there no positives reported from the primary samples tested from the Jan. 5, 6, 7 and 8 Quarter Horse programs. “All of them were clear,” he said. Gardiner declined further comment because the investigation is ongoing.

Racing resumed the afternoon of Jan. 12 following the break-in.

The test barn at Louisiana Downs does not have surveillance cameras.

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