Louisiana Out-of-State Mare Reports Due June 1

All non-Louisiana resident members of LQHBA who are boarding mares in Louisiana must furnish the association with a copy of each mare’s AQHA or TB registration certificate (front and back) together with the geographical location and directions to locate the mares which are boarded in Louisiana.
They must complete and file with the LQHBA an Out-of-State Mare Report form for each mare and pay $200 for each report.
CLICK HERE to download an LQHBA Out-of-State Mare Report Form.
For additional information breeders can visit lqhba.com, click on the "membership" tab, scroll to the section "Out Of State Owners" and review the association's accredited rules or they can call the LQHBA at (318) 487-9506.
Out-of-State Mare Forms received or postmarked after the June 1st deadline will incur a late penalty of $200 – and owe a total fee of $400.