News March  12, 2025

LQHBA Legislative Follow-Up

House Bill 91 passed yesterday in the House 60-31 and is now ordered to the Senate.

March 29, 2018

LQHBA Members & Friends,

House Bill 91 by Representative Thibaut passed yesterday in the House 60-31 and is now ordered to the Senate.

House Bill 266 by Representative Thibaut was voluntarily deferred yesterday in the Committee on Administration of Criminal Justice and is now scheduled in committee on Thursday, April 5, 2018.

Our Association would like to take this opportunity to ask our members to personally contact the Representatives who supported Representative Thibaut’s House Bill 91 and thank them for their support of the horse industry and the economy.

CLICK HERE for the voting results on House Bill 91.

CLICK HERE for the Representatives contact information.

We will send more LQHBA Legislative Alerts next week as House Bill 266 is scheduled for Thursday, April 5th.

Your voice matters!

Thank you,


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