Dr. Larry Findley Elected to AQHA Racing Council
© Coady Photography

The new members were elected by members of the AQHA Racing Committee. Brigden is an AQHA director-at-large, while Schauf and Findley are AQHA directors. Each will serve a three-year term ending in 2020.
The 10-member Racing Council also includes AQHA Executive Committee Member Butch Wise, Racing Committee Chairman Kelvin Childers and members Bob Gaston, John Hammes, Duayne Didericksen, Melodie Knuchell and AQHA Past President Johnny Trotter.
An owner and leading surgeon at Delta Equine Center at Vinton, Louisiana, Dr. Findley brings more than 30 years of veterinary experience to the table, specializing in racehorses.
An AQHA director, LQHBA board member and member of the Racing Committee, Dr. Findley in his own name has bred more than a dozen racing American Quarter Horses, including the versatile mare Shinin For You, who after her racing career has become an AQHA point-earning show horse.
"Everyone in Louisiana has tremendous respect for Dr. Findley's knowledge, leadership and passion for the Quarter Horse industry," LQHBA Executive Director Tony Pattterson said this week. "Now the entire AQHA membership will get to know this outstanding individual and benefit from his service."