News March  12, 2025

LQHBA Out-of-State Mare Report Forms Due June 1st

Louisiana Quarter Horse Breeders Association 2017 Out of State Mare Report Forms must be received by June 1.

ALEXANDRIA, LA—MAY 31, 2017—A $200 fee is due tomorrow (June 1) for any mare owned by an out of state entity participating in the LQHBA Bred program. The mare is also required to reside in Louisiana, from the time she is bred to a Louisiana stallion, until the foal is born and accredited.

Breeders must submit the LQHBA 2017 Out-of-State Mare Report Form, a copy of the front and back of the mare's registration papers and a $200 reporting fee on or before Thursday, June 1st to the LQHBA office.

CLICK HERE to download a 2017 LQHBA Out of State Report Form.

For additional questions or information visit the association's website at or call 318-487-9506.

Courtesy Ses