News March  12, 2025

Immediate Legislative Call To Action Today In Louisiana

LQHBA members are urged to contact their State Representative this morning (Wednesday) regarding HB 100.

ALEXANDRIA, LA—FEBRUARY 24, 2016—House Bill 100 goes to the House Floor today (Wednesday, February 24) at 9:30 AM. All LQHBA members are urged contact their state representative.

Please call and email your Representative immediately and ask them:

  • To please follow Rep. Major Thibaut's lead on HB 100 in supporting the horsemen
  • Our industry has a $2.5 Billion dollar economic impact to our State
  • If funds are undedicated then the stability/uncertainty in the horse industry will more than likely create job loss
  • We appreciate you standing up for the horse industry

      Persons can contact the Louisiana House Switchboard at 225-342-6945 and tell them to carry this message to your Representative. Next, please call your Representative’s office and tell their staff.

      CLICK HERE to find your Representative’s contact information.

      Courtesy Ses