LQHBA Legislative Call To Action

State Representative Joe Harrison-R introduced HB 596 requiring all gaming proceeds dedicated to the Horsemen's Benevolent and Protective Association, the Louisiana Thoroughbred Breeders Association, and the Louisiana Quarter Horse Breeders Association be sent to the state treasurer for deposit in the newly created Horse Industry Economic Sustainability Fund, but otherwise retains the dedications and uses of these proceeds.
The Bill is scheduled in the House Commerce Committee for Tuesday morning, April 28th.
"We must OPPOSE this Bill as it redirects breeders awards funds, purses and HBPA funds," Tony Patterson LQHBA Executive Director said.
LQHBA Members are urged to contact the House Commerce Committee members and ask them to OPPOSE HB 596.
Name | Member email | Phone | Fax |
Carmody, Thomas | carmodyt@legis.la.gov | (318) 862-9956 | (318) 862-9958 |
Cox, Kenny R. | coxk@legis.la.gov | (855) 844-8583 | (318) 357-3208 |
Hall, Jeffrey "Jeff" | hallj@legis.la.gov | (318) 487-5661 | (318) 487-5506 |
Harris, Lance | harrisl@legis.la.gov | (318) 767-6095 | (318) 767-6097 |
Harrison, Joe | harrisoj@legis.la.gov | (800) 935-2081 | (985) 655-9011 |
Havard, Kenneth E. | havardk@legis.la.gov | (225) 634-7470 | (225) 634-7477 |
Hollis, Paul | hollisp@legis.la.gov | (985) 871-4680 | (985) 871-4682 |
Jackson, Katrina R. | jacksonk@legis.la.gov | (318) 362-5123 | (318) 362-5125 |
Kleckley, Chuck | larep036@legis.la.gov | (337) 475-3016 | (337) 475-3018 |
Leger, Walt III | legerw@legis.la.gov | (504) 556-9970 | (504) 556-9972 |
Miguez, Blake | miguezb@legis.la.gov | (337) 937-8827 | (337) 937-8829 |
Morris, John C. "Jay" | morrisjc@legis.la.gov | (318) 362-4270 | (318) 362-4277 |
Ortego, Stephen J. | ortegos@legis.la.gov | (337) 886-4687 | (337) 886-4689 |
Ourso, Darrell P. | oursod@legis.la.gov | (225) 756-3420 | (225) 756-3423 |
Pierre, Vincent J. | pierrev@legis.la.gov | (337) 262-2330 | (337) 262-2332 |
Ponti, Erich E. | pontie@legis.la.gov | (225) 362-5301 | (225) 362-5303 |
Price, Edward J. | pricee@legis.la.gov | (225) 644-6750 | (225) 644-6750 |
Pugh, Stephen E. | pughs@legis.la.gov | (985) 386-7844 | (985) 386-5669 |
Reynolds, Eugene | reynoldsg@legis.la.gov | (318) 371-3092 | (318) 371-3093 |
Talbot, Kirk | talbotk@legis.la.gov | (504) 736-7299 | (504) 736-7113 |
Woodruff, Ebony | woodruffe@legis.la.gov | (504) 361-6972 | (504) 361-6971 |
"If your Representative is one of these committee members, please have others that live in your district contact them as well," Patterson added.
The second Bill SB 135 sponsored by Senator Barrow Peacock-R could be voted on in the Senate Judiciary B Committee on Tuesday, April 28 or Tuesday, May 5. SB 135 drastically reduces the total number of racing days at Harrah’s Louisiana Downs.
"We must OPPOSE this Bill as it drastically reduces our racing days at Harrah’s Louisiana Downs," Patterson said.
LQHBA members are asked to contact the Judiciary B committee members and ask them to OPPOSE SB 135.
Senator Jean-Paul J. Morrell (Chairman) New Orleans Lakefront Terminal Building 6001 Stars & Stripes Blvd., Suite 221 New Orleans, LA 70126 |
(504) 284-4794 morrelljp@legis.la.gov |
Senator Ronnie Johns (Vice-Chairman) 1011 Lakeshore Drive Suite 515 Lake Charles, LA 70601 |
(337) 491-2016 johnsr@legis.la.gov |
Senator Norbčrt N. "Norby" Chabert P.O. Box 2417 Houma, LA 70361 |
(985) 858-2927 chabertn@legis.la.gov |
Senator Eric LaFleur P.O. Box 617 Ville Platte, LA 70586 |
(337) 363-5019 lafleure@legis.la.gov |
Senator Karen Carter Peterson 1409 OC Haley Blvd. Suite C New Orleans, LA 70113 |
(504) 568-8346 petersonk@legis.la.gov |
Senator Gary Smith P.O Box 189 Norco, LA 70079 |
(985) 764-9122 smithgl@legis.la.gov |
"Remember – if your Senator is one of these committee members, please have others that live in your district contact them as well, Patterson added.
To find your Louisiana legislators Click Here.